Register to Vote


Date: Sept. 24, 2010
Issues: Elections

The November elections are quickly approaching. Oklahoma voters will soon be choosing their representatives for a variety of federal, state and local offices. If you plan on voting--and I encourage every Oklahoman to do so---the deadline to register with the State Election Board is October 8.

Voting is more than a privilege; it is a sacred responsibility of citizens in a democracy. The health and well-being of our government at every level--from the local school board to the United States Congress--depend on an informed and engaged electorate.

The right to vote comes at a great cost, as any U.S. veteran can tell you. It is the right on which all our other freedoms depend, and it is our opportunity to have a say in the way we are governed and how we will face challenges now and in the future.

Of course, each of us should do more than simply vote. With the right to vote comes the responsibility to be informed, so I encourage Oklahoma voters to learn about issues and the candidates so they can each make reasoned and knowledgeable decisions inside the voting booth.

Voter registration applications are available at your county election board, post offices, tag agencies, libraries and many other public locations, or you can download the application from the Oklahoma State Election Board's website at

Simply fill out the application and mail it to the State Election Board. Use the same form if you need to change your name, address or party affiliation.

For more information about elections in Oklahoma, absentee voting, or registering to vote, visit the State Election Board website, call your county election board or the State Election Board at (405) 521-2391, or send your question to

On Nov. 2, voters will choose the course of our state and our nation, and I hope you take part in making these vital decisions. Let your voice be heard by registering to vote, and then getting to the polls!

If you have questions or comments, please write me at the Office of the Governor, Room 212, Oklahoma City OK 73105 or visit the "Contact the Governor" section of my website,
